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Safeguarding the future in the learning metropolis

Education Drive

Forum Bildung Wilhelmsburg und junge Tänzer - Bildungsoffensive, Bild: IBA GmbH Tim Hoppe IBA Hamburg / Bernadette Grimmenstein IBA Hamburg / Bernadette Grimmenstein IBA Hamburg / Bernadette Grimmenstein MEDIA DOCK Septmeber 2011 - Bildungsoffensive, Bild: Quelle: IBA Hamburg GmbH / Bernadette Grimmenstein IBA Hamburg / Bernadette Grimmenstein




Key Theme Cosmopolis


New Opportunities for Cities

»List of Projects Cosmopolis

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Action Fields



Five action fields were determined in a working group of the forum of experts "Leap across the Elbe" on the basis of an appraisal of the potentials and deficits of the educational situation on the Elbe Islands. The objective is to attain measurable improvements over the status quo through suitable measures in the action fields.



Promotion of Language Competence - "SprachSchatz" ("LanguageTreasure")

The systematic promotion of language and reading competence at all age levels and in all subject areas is the essential aim of this action field: preschool language acquisition as the decisive basis for further educational opportunities must be improved. In order to accomplish this, greater efforts are needed to diagnose the needs of language competence promotion before it is too late and to take promotional measures. Promotion of language competence is becoming an integral component of all educational work in children day care centres, schools and other educationally related facilities. In addition, the opportunities for the promotion of language competence must be reinforced in general and vocational schools as well as in adult education. Accesses to the opportunities for the promotion of language competence are especially being improved for immigrant families.



Certifications - "SchulWeg" ("SchoolPath")

A declared objective is to raise the completion rates of school pupils and to clearly improve the results of the learning investigations (PISA/LAU). More and higher certifications upon leaving general schools are the objective. Special attention will be focussed on those leaving general schools. Success in education will be further decoupled from the social origin. The success quotas of boys must especially be increased. Young people who have not achieved certification upon leaving school will receive after-school training by qualified teachers.



Connections - "AusBildung" ("EduCation") 


Certifications must make immediate connections possible. This applies, for example, in the transition from the children day care centre to elementary school and in the transitions to all schools offering advanced leaving qualification of the Elbe Islands. The connection to professional training following school must especially be guaranteed – no one must be lost between school and professional training. In close coordination with the schools and vocational schools, the employment agency team.arbeit.hamburg and the Ministry of Economics and Labour, it is being ensured that young people who cannot be referred to training positions receive suitable opportunities for further qualification in order to shrink deficits. At the same time, further education and qualification measures must be created that make an integration into social and working life possible for those who have not yet been able to find any possibility for vocational training.



Lifelong Learning - "WissenSchaffen" ("CreatingKnowledge")

Lifelong learning is for the most part the responsibility of the individual; to satisfy this demand, the construction of a varied network of learning opportunities is needed, to which all educational institutions contribute. Self-regulated learning implies competent educational counselling in many cases in order to enable and accompany educational processes so that connections in one's profession and in society will succeed.



Cultural Education - "Stadt-Teilnehmer" ("Urban District Participants")

The multi-ethnic potential of the Elbe Islands must be condensed and shaped in a stimulating cultural milieu. The existing educational facilities, cultural facilities and initiatives must be further developed, as well as the rich, synthesizing variety of the different groups of migrants based on civil involvement.