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Media home made - numerous opportunities under one roof


Der Eingang des MEDIA DOCKs - MEDIA DOCK, Bild: IBA Hamburg GmbH / Bernadette Grimmenstein Ansicht MEDIA DOCK - MEDIA DOCK, Bild: IBA Hamburg GmbH / Bernadette Grimmenstein Ansicht MEDIA DOCK 2 - MEDIA DOCK, Bild: IBA Hamburg GmbH / Bernadette Grimmenstein Innenansicht 1 - MEDIA DOCK, Bild: IBA Hamburg GmbH / Bernadette Grimmenstein Innenansicht 2 - MEDIA DOCK, Bild: IBA Hamburg GmbH / Bernadette Grimmenstein Ansicht MEDIA DOCK 3 - MEDIA DOCK, Bild: IBA Hamburg GmbH / Bernadette Grimmenstein


Key Theme Cosmopolis


New Opportunities for Cities

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/fileadmin/Projekte/K11_Tor_zur_Welt/TeaserH_Tor-zur-Welt_214x60_Grimmenstein.jpg Education for the whole quarter

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/fileadmin/Projekte/K12_Haus_der_Projekte/hausderprojekte.jpg New job opportunities in boat building

House of Projects

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/fileadmin/Mediathek/K15_praxislernen/praxislernen.jpg Education Centre Stübenhofer Weg

Learning by Doing

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/fileadmin/Projekte/K13_Sprach_und_Bewegungszentrum/sprachubz.jpg Learning in motion

Centre of Language and Excercise

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The MEDIA DOCK was opened in Kirchdorf in autumn 2011. Besides classes in music, dance and drama of the new education centre, the MEDIA DOCK close by opens its doors for a variety of media projects. All fans of media, theatre, dancing and music find a point of contact here where they can use the music practice rooms, a film and a recording studio as well as a library focusing on media and further education – a place of learning for all the residents of this neighborhood.



On a site comprising 300 square metres in the MEDIA DOCK, there is space for a large multimedia and PC room as well as several music practice rooms and a library. A film studio, a recording studio and a seminar room round off the attractive offer. The auditorium of the elementary school in Kirchdorf will be available as a practice room for large choirs, performances, concerts and presentations.

The new building consists of predominantly regenerative building materials and will be officially opened in 2011. It was erected on behalf of SBH | Schulbau Hamburg in the framework of the so-called Model Hamburg South by the GWG Gewerbe. The Hamburg architectural office bhl Architekten, von Bassewitz Limbrock Partner GmbH were commissioned to carry out the planning by GWG Gewerbe.

In Kirchdorf this will be a meeting place for all local residents, for persons involved in music and media, nursery teachers, school teachers and social education workers. The centre also links educational and consultation facilities in the region and imparts knowledge.

Due to the utilisation of the cultural and language diversity of the Elbe Islands, the MEDIA DOCK is simultaneously a competence centre for the theme of cultural education. The MEDIA DOCK will make a significant contribution to „Lifelong Learning“ and cultural education. An own Elbe Island radio station is also planned. The residents of the Elbe Islands – especially the adolescents – will be able to create radio and television programmes under supervision that will be broadcast via the cooperation partner TIDE.



Milestone of the project

  • Continual development of communal offers oriented to the requirements of the target groups by the coordination group

  • Spring 2011 planning of equipment and fittings with the future users

  • 17. June 2011 Project Day at the MEDIA DOCK

  • 30. September 2011 Opening ceremony with users and local residents

This project is u.a. sponsored by the Framework Programme for Integrated Urban Development (Rise).

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Neuenfelder Straße 106
21109 Hamburg

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bhl- Architekten, von Bassewitz Limbrock Partner GmbH, Hamburg



GMH | Gebäudemanagement Hamburg GmbH
Maurienstraße 15
22305 Hamburg